My Story
My name is Rod McCall and I come from simple and humble beginnings. I was raised by fantastic parents in a middle-class neighborhood in Northeast Kansas. I am one of 4 kids. I met my ex-wife while we were both in college in the mid-1990s. It was good in the beginning, as most marriages are. I worked as a school teacher after we moved to Texas in 2002. Today, I continue teaching at a public school in a Dallas suburb to this day. I may have lost my son, but have gained all of my students as “my kids.” They get the same stories that my dad and grandfather shared with me. Or, as a good friend of mine calls them, pearls of wisdom. This began as my way of dealing with the tragedy of losing my son. But, it has become so much more.
My journey towards understanding Parental Alienation began long before the divorce papers were filed in March of 2010. My ex-wife had been planting thoughts of how our son, Eryk, needed to view her as the master parent and me as the evil villain. In the book, I detail the various ways Eryk’s mother would manipulate the relationship between him and me. She even went so far as telling Eryk that she would get him a new daddy that wouldn’t be so mean to him. What was I doing that was so bad? I told him that we had to pick up one set of toys before he was able to get out another set of toys. I told him that he had to eat his supper BEFORE getting dessert, not the other way around. His mother manipulated the legal system to falsely accuse me of horrible crimes. She defied court orders and kept Eryk from coming to visit me by admitting him to the psychiatric ward of Children’s Hospital three times. She told Eryk that if he were to express any kindness towards me, he would be indicating he did not love her.
As I continued on my journey, I met other people who were also being alienated from their children, too. It wasn’t just men, but women also. We came from all walks of life. As I came to meet more and more people, I discovered we came from not just across Texas, but all over the country. We shared our stories, seeking support and understanding. Some have had successful stories of reunification with their children, but too many have not. More research is being published in professional journals and the news media has begun printing or broadcasting stories about Parental Alienation. As more and more attention is being directed at this horrible and invisible form of child abuse, the better it will be to combat it. But there is much work to do. “For the Love of Eryk” is not just my story, but the story and struggle of so many. Their stories are included in the pages within. More than stories, though, is educational material that will help all who read understand the signs of parental alienation and ways to help prevent it. Children like my son Eryk are victims of parents who are more concerned about themselves than the damage to their children. So, in the years after I last saw my son, I have dedicated my life to sharing my story and joining the struggle to shine the light on what is Parental Alienation and how we can all band together and demand an end to this devastating form of child abuse
For The Love Of Eryk
In For the Love of Eryk, Rod McCall shares his personal experience with Parental Alienation, which was so severe, it led to the death of his son Eryk; killed by the hands of his own mother when she lost her parental rights as the courts finally saw through her alienating behavior. Part One of the Book is Rod’s captivating and important story, showing how Parental Alienation can happen. Part Two of the book tells the stories of many others, specifically addressing what Parental Alienation is and how it can be stopped. Through interviewing many other parents, as well as professionals in family law, Rod’s book is a powerful resource which can raise awareness, educate and be a catalyst for change.
Rod McCall | Plano, TX
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