Divorce Poison (The Book)
To be clear, I do not get any financial deals or kickbacks for this endorsement. Truth is, I doubt Dr. Warshak even know who I am. But, I have found this book to be one of the most educational books I have ever read about Parental Alienation. Dr. Warshak does a super job of explaining the three levels of alienation that can occur in both a married relationship as well as when that relationship breaks up. I did not find this book until after I was finished with my divorce and custody fight. I wish I had found it earlier.
Dr. Warshak clearly explains how to deal with all the various attacks that can occur in a divorce. The examples that he provides were so clear and I wished time and time again that I had found this book earlier in my conflict with Eryk’s mother. I might have done a better job of helping shield Eryk from the battle that was taking place, with him in the middle. I discovered that early on, I was as guilty as his mother for putting him in the middle of our divorce. It made me feel so ashamed. But Divorce Poison provides excellent examples of what to do in a multitude of situations that do not make the child feel as though they have to take sides.
Divorce Poison also discusses time and time again, that the only way to get severe parental alienation to end is to remove the alienating parent from the equation. He discusses that the alienating parent will never stop their attacks on the target parent because they don’t see that they are doing anything wrong. The more we can get this in the minds of the court system and the mental health professionals that aid the court system with their recommendations to understand this, the better it will be for the kids involved, like my son Eryk.
So, please get you a copy if you do not already have yours. It is a wonderful book that helps explain a great deal of what those of us who are the targeted parents go through. I especially like the way that Dr. Warshak provides solutions to help get us through the dark days.
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